Silver Shiner (Shimmerus Argentum)
The silver shiner is a small, jawless, filter feeding fish-like creature that forms large schools in the open waters of the Mineral Sea.
Silver shiners feed primarily on silver algae (Zoophytorum Metallicum Argentum), although they will consume anything small enough that floats into their mouths. They are the primary prey for many carnivorous species, and have developed a way of recreating the silver coating of the silver algae that they eat, forming it into a kind of armor. although this armor is not very strong when compared to the jaws of most predators, such as the alloy snapper (Frango Offensionibus), a sufficiently large school of silver shiners can use the reflective qualities of their silver skin to reflect light at a predator, effectively blinding it. Although rare, one may occasionally see a silver shiner that is not as silver as the others in its school, or one that is a different color entirely! This is simply a result of a diet that is not purely silver algae, and not any cause for concern.